Tossed by the Waves

“I have learned to kiss the wave that throws me against the Rock of Ages.” Charles Spurgeon

If you’ve ever been in the ocean, you know what it means to be tossed by the waves. Small waves barely move you, but when a big, expected wave rolls in, you go under. You taste the salty water. You flail your arms and legs to find your footing. When you finally are back on your feet, your awareness is heightened. You watch the waves determined to not let them take you down again. 

I love this quote from Charles Spurgeon. Life is full of unexpected, giant waves, but those waves throw us into the Rock of Ages. When crisis and pain and turmoil hit, we run straight into the arms of Jesus crying desperately for help. What better place to be?! He comforts. He brings peace. He fights for us. He gives us the tools needed to make it through. Then He cheers us on as we run forward with new determination. So we learn to “kiss the wave.” We accept the circumstances knowing we experienced God in a new way. 

This year it has felt like the waves keep crashing around us. There have been unreal amounts of pain and suffering in the lives of our staff, family, and friends. What do you do when you’re watching everyone else struggle? There’s only so much you can do before you’re left watching and wishing you could make it all go away.  But what I have learned during this time is that it’s part of their story. God doesn’t allow these things to happen in vain. From the pain comes growth. We treat life more preciously. We value the moments. We learn to not blame God, but cling to Him all the more.

We’ve been in ministry for 10 years. Many seasons brought change and new projects, but the heart of our ministry has always been to build real relationships with people. This year, the ministry has continued to function as it always has, but the change has come from within. We’ve learned to walk with people during the hard times. We’ve seen the power of prayer. We have experienced miracles. God is with you in the waves.

When life gets hard

Life can be hard for sure. I guess that's the only certainty we have. There will be difficult times. Even Jesus set the expectation clear with his disciples. 

"I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

The last couple of months have been hard. Starting with the need of a surgery then the passing of a family member. We can probably make a list of the things people around us are going through. But this is not the reason for this little message. This is a reminder of God's grace and mercy.

I wish we didn't have to go through difficult times, but every difficult season will build our character and faith, will allow us to see and experience God’s promises in our own lives. Our hope in the midst of hardship is that we have a God that never leaves us, that remains faithful and will never let us walk this seasons alone.

"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me." Psalm 23:4

A year full of opportunities

New Year Update

Hey friends! It’s great to be back. We took a much needed time off to rest and focus on the family. We had many reasons to celebrate at the end of the year with three of our children’s birthdays, Ashley's birthday and our anniversary. We also had a special day at  the zoo. We just enjoyed family and got as much rest as you can with 4 littles. It was a blessing.

Last update we shared with you that we were closing the ministry center. We felt specific direction from the Lord to move into the village. Our desire is to keep investing in the spiritual needs that the families in the communities have and start bringing people together in fellowship.
As you may recall, we were looking into buying land in the village. Through prayer and counsel, we decided not to invest in this property because it was not big enough to meet all our current and future needs. We are going to continue fund raising for it and wait for a better opportunity to come up. Thank you to those who already sent donations for this. All of those donations are being set aside so when the time comes we will be able to buy the property.

God has provided a place for us to work! A couple from the village, that has been serving in the ministry for years, offered us a small property they have available. The building was unfinished, so we have been doing construction and remodeling. God has been so good. This is going to allow us to have a  beautiful place to hold the Kids Club, youth services, and start working with families.

Even though the space is readily available for us to use, we have had to invest in remodeling. We still need to put a roof up and floors down to have it ready for the activities. Please consider making a special donation to this project. We need around $3000 to finish.

Aside from the classrooms in the village, we got an office space. We will use this  space for training and administrative operations for the ministry.

We are excited to share that this year, Veronica, who has been serving with us for over a year, is joining the team as full time coordinator for the academic project. She is an incredible teacher and psychologist, passionate for the children and youth. Math, English, reading and writing, and computer classes will all continue this year, but in our new location!

This allows us to focus on the spiritual needs, continue training, and developing leadership.

Please consider joining us this year with a monthly commitment. We use your donations to pay for school supplies, pay for rent, and pay the staff. Your support goes a long way. Thank you for investing in His Hands and Feet.

Hernandez Family Newsletter

With Growth Comes Change

The children are growing and the youth are facing different challenges in life as they become adults. Each child and family that we work with in these communities has a great need for spiritual growth. As we continue to work with the local leaders, God has made evident to each of us that the people have a real desire to know Him more, to have fellowship, and to participate in what God is doing around them.

While praying about the best way to respond to these needs, our landlord notified us that our monthly rent was being raised. Unfortunately, the ministry center is falling apart and we are expected to partially cover the cost of repairs. We always want to invest the ministry resources wisely, but this no longer feels like the best option. 

Considering all of this we have decided to close the ministry center. It may sound like bad news, but we see it as a huge opportunity.

What’s next?

God has made it clear to us that our place is IN the community. We are looking at buying land in Zoroya and beginning to BUILD a new ministry center. This will enable us to continue teaching all of our classes. This will allow us to disciple more people on a greater scale. We will be able to continue hosting Kids Club in the communities. It will provide a place for these believers to meet and keep growing in their faith.

We need your help! 

We are very blessed to share with a community of supporters that have poured into His Hands and Feet for many years. A community that prays for us, supports us, and shares the joy of all the work that is done. Once again, we need your help to make this dream a reality. We have been looking at land and have found a nice plot of land right in Zorozoya! We are anticipating an investment of $25,000. We went and checked out the land with one of our local leaders, and his face lit up as he saw the space. He immediately said, “We can set up tents or a temporary structure and start meeting here right away!”  

This end of year, we want to invite you to make a special donation to His Hands and Feet. We desire to reach this goal and take this step of faith. We trust and believe that this will be a blessing to many families and future generations! 

Keep us in your prayers

As always, we ask you to cover us in prayer. We are entering into a time of transition and change. Although change brings growth, it often brings pain and trials as well. Please pray for His Hands and Feet as we wrap up the last activities of the year and move out of the ministry center. Please pray for our family as we go through all the steps with the ministry, while balancing family time and little kids. Thank you for cheering us on and supporting us every step of the way!!


Kevin, Ashley, Isabella, Ian, Olivia, and Eliana Hernandez

His plans prevail

We hope this letter finds you well. We are grateful for your prayers and support. This year has been a little out of the ordinary, but God has moved in many unexpected ways. Last year, we were filled with hope and plans for the new year. We were thrilled with our new ministry center and all the potential it held to reach more people. Enter Coronavirus


All the sudden, we were locked in our house, extremely restricted and unable to do any of the things we had planned. But God was not taken by surprise. He didn’t see it as a limitation. Slowly he revealed his plans to us, and we shifted our focus. The ministry center was only up and running from January to mid-March. By May, we knew that there was no return in sight and began to ask God, “what now?” His response: “go to them.” So, we went back to our roots, and began delivering food to families in need. My hope to reach more people was fulfilled in a way I never expected. God heard every prayer and used these food bags to bring hope during a time of crisis. 

If nothing else, we learned this year that God’s plans prevail no matter what the circumstances. We didn’t expect to spend the majority of our year in our home, far from people. Our whole life is centered around being with people! But one very special thing we witnessed during these months, was getting to see other people rise up and reach those around them. The youth that Kevin had been working with for over 2 years started visiting their neighbors. We partnered with other ministries to get food to more people. Our English students reached out asking if they could take food bags to their communities. His Hands and Feet became a sending ministry, enabling others to go where we no longer could.


As I look ahead and begin to think about 2021, I feel hopeful. Honestly, I don’t know what to expect. God has preserved the ministry center over the last few months, and we are eager to be back in it. We are more than ready to teach classes again and begin ministering to these families. Our desire is to help them pick up the pieces that were broken this year. We all are looking for hope. We all need restoration. His Hands and Feet wants to bring that to San Lucas, Guatemala. 

 We are now reaching 5 different communities, and we will continue to go to them next year. We long to see the children’s faces again, to teach them about God’s word. We look forward to counseling and praying over moms and dads who are fighting for a brighter future. We approach 2021 with open hands and open hearts. Our eyes are on the Father as He leads. We will follow. 

If you are not already connected with us, please look us up on Instagram and Facebook. There you will find weekly updates and ways you can praying for us. As we approach 2021, we want to ask you to join our financial support team. You can make an end of year gift or you can sign up for monthly donations. Every amount given on a monthly basis, gives us a firm foundation to continue in ministry. 


All donations are tax deductible through our sending agency Go Send Me Global. It’s easy! Just click the button below.


Want to send a check? Send to:

GoSendMe Global
PO BOX 913106
Sherman, TX 75091

Include note: Kevin and Ashley Hernandez in Guatemala. 

Many blessings!

Kevin, Ashley, Isabella, Ian, and Olivia Hernandez 

Evidence that Christ is in me

 The whole world is currently facing crisis. We are in the midst of health problems that attack everyone equally, no matter your gender, nationality, or class. Many feel fear, others anger, and some are indifferent. During times of crisis, we see people rush to the grocery store to over stock their homes thinking, “Just in case everything runs out and I can’t buy it later.” We see people who pay no mind to the guidelines and recommendations from the authorities and take advantage of the “free vacation time” to go out and party with friends.


People are working from home. People are experiencing breaks from their normally demanding jobs. There are people who simply don’t have the privilege to stay at home because if they don’t work, they don’t eat. 


Some stay home to protect their families and some must go out to also protect their family.


This is the reality that we are facing. This is what our normal day to day has become. No matter what our circumstances are, there is one thing that is not optional. We must confront this situation and act as Christ would have us to against this global crisis. 


I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”

John 16:33


They say that times of crisis bring out the worst in people and we begin to show our true colors. These claims are easily proven in the pictures and news reports that have come out in the last weeks. Selfishness, anger, fear, greed, criticism, lack of reasoning; endless negative things that are being considered normal in our world. But what about the “Christians?” Are we not the ones called to be different? Are we not ambassadors for God’s kingdom here on earth? The answer to each question is yes. 


It’s during the times of crisis that our trust in the Lord should overcome fear;  when love should drive out hate that divides and destroys; when generosity should bring hope to those in need; when truth and integrity overcome selfish desire; when we experience peace that surpasses all understanding, and when Christ’s character becomes evident in our words and actions. 


We are light in the midst of darkness. We are called to impact the world when its most needed.


You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house.16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven. Matthew 5:14-16


May our light shine now. May it be so radiant that there is no doubt that Christ lives in us. May our every word and action be an opportunity for those that don’t know Him to be able to draw in and get to know the one that rescues us. May our social media be a deliverer of hopeful messages that glorify Christ. 


Let’s pray for those in need. Pray for those who are desperate for relief. Pray for those who risk themselves every single day to provide for the ones they love. Pray for those who have lost their loved ones during this health crisis. Pray for opportunities to be His Hands and Feet wherever He takes us. 


 By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another. John 13:35

Evidenciando que Cristo vive en mi

Son tiempos difíciles a nivel mundial. Estamos inmersos en una situación de salud que ataca a todos por igual. Muchos sienten temor otros enojo y algunos indiferencia. En este tiempo difícil hay quienes corren al supermercado para comprar y sobre abastecerse de todos los productos básicos “En caso que todo se acabe y no se pueda comprar nada”, otros hacen caso omiso a las direcciones que dan las autoridades y deciden tomar un paseo porque “en este momento no hay gente, se puede disfrutar la playa.” 

Hay personas trabajando desde casa otras encerradas a cuenta de vacaciones. Hay quienes no gozan de estas medidas preventivas, pues tienen que ganarse el pan del día a día y no cruza por su mente quedarse en casa porque tienen que comer.

Unos se quedan en casa para proteger a su familia y otros salen de casa de igual forma por el bien de su familia.  

Esto es lo que enfrentamos, esto es lo que vivimos hoy en día. Independientemente de nuestra circunstancia hay algo que no es opcional y es nuestra forma de afrontar y conducirnos como cristianos ante esta crisis global. 


Estas cosas os he hablado para que en mí tengáis paz. En el mundo tendréis aflicción; pero confiad, yo he vencido al mundo. Juan 16:33 


Evidenciando que Cristo vive en mi. 


Dicen que la crisis saca lo peor de las personas, que en los momentos difíciles se ve de que estamos hechos. Cualquiera puede respaldar estas frases con las imágenes que han salido en los últimos días El egoísmo, la insensatez, la ira, el temor, la critica, la codicia; un sin fin de cosas negativas son lo habitual en nuestro mundo. Pero, ¿Qué hay de los cristianos? ¿No somos nosotros los llamados a mostrar una cara distinta? ¿No somos nosotros los embajadores del Reino de Dios? La respuesta es sí. 

 Es en el tiempo de crisis cuando nuestra confianza en El Señor debe sobreponerse al temor, cuando el amor debe vencer al odio que divide y destruye, cuando la generosidad da esperanza a aquellos en necesidad, cuando la verdad e integridad vencen los intereses egoístas, cuando experimentamos la paz que sobrepasa todo entendimiento, cuando el carácter de Cristo se hace evidente en nuestras obras y palabras. 

Somos luz en medio de la oscuridad, hemos sido llamados a impactar el mundo cuando este más lo necesita.

Vosotros sois la luz del mundo; una ciudad asentada sobre un monte no se puede esconder. Ni se enciende una luz y se pone debajo de un almud, sino sobre el candelero, y alumbra a todos los que están en casa. Así alumbre vuestra luz delante de los hombres, para que vean vuestras buenas obras, y glorifiquen a vuestro Padre que está en los cielos.

Mateo 5:14-16 

Que alumbre nuestra luz, que sea tan radiante que no se pueda negar que Cristo vive en nosotros. Que cada acción y cada palabra sean una oportunidad para que aquellos que no le conocen se acerquen a aquel que nos rescató. Que nuestras redes sociales lleven un mensaje de esperanza que glorifiquen a Cristo. 

Oremos por aquellos que tienen necesidad, oremos por los que están desesperados, oremos por los que se arriesgan día a día para dar lo esencial a los que aman, oremos por aquellos que han perdido a sus seres queridos durante esta crisis y oremos por oportunidades para ser Sus Manos y Pies a donde El nos lleve.

En esto conocerán todos que sois mis discípulos, si tuviereis amor los unos con los otros. Juan 13:35 


Corrección o Castigo

Instruye al niño en su camino,
Y aun cuando fuere viejo no se apartará de él.
Proverbios 22:6

Es normal para los padres tener dudas sobre los métodos de corrección y enseñanza que aplican con sus hijos. Muchas veces estas dudas se hacen más grandes cuando personas alrededor cuestionan cómo corrigen a sus hijos.

  • Si les pegas a tus hijos no actuarían de esa forma

  • Eres muy duro con tus hijos. Siempre estas regañando.

  • Eres una mamá demasiado permisiva por eso hacen lo que quieren.

Entonces, ¿Qué debemos hacer? .

Definamos corrección y castigo

La corrección es una modificación que se hace a una cosa o persona para corregir sus faltas o errores.
El castigo es una pena que se impone a quién ha cometido una falta o delito.

La corrección a diferencia del castigo busca modificar hábitos o acciones dañinas en la vida de los hijos.

Corrige a tu hijo y te dará descanso, y alegría a tu alma
Proverbios 29:17

En la Biblia encontramos ejemplos de hijos que no recibieron la debida corrección a tiempo.
Uno de ellos es Adonías (1 Reyes 1)

Entonces Adonías hijo de Haguit se rebeló, diciendo: Yo reinaré. Y se hizo de carros y de gente de a caballo, y de cincuenta hombres que corriesen delante de él. 

Y su padre nunca le había entristecido en todos sus días con decirle: ¿Por qué haces así? Además, éste era de muy hermoso parecer; y había nacido después de Absalón.
1 Reyes 1:5-6

Aun el Rey David tuvo dificultades con la crianza de sus hijos. No actuó en los momentos en los que la corrección era necesaria y esto afecto la vida de sus hijos en forma negativa.

Padres conectados

No se trata que nuestros hijos vivan en un ambiente en el que dar vara es el primer recurso de corrección.
Es importante crear un ambiente en el que nosotros como padres estemos conectados con nuestros hijos, entendemos sus necesidades para guiarlos y que puedan diferenciar lo que está bien y mal.

Nuestros hijos necesitan parámetros de disciplina que puedan entender y seguir. Deben tener expectativas claras de las medidas de disciplina que tomaremos como padres.


Le voy a pintar una imagen muy común en toda vida familiar.

Usted acaba de preparar la cena. Su hijo llega al comedor saltando y gritando. Él está lleno de energía por lo que usted le dice: Deja de saltar cerca de la mesa, es peligroso y derramarás tu leche. Esta instrucción le dura 1 minuto al niño y de pronto esta subiendo y bajando la silla lo más rápido que puede. De nuevo le dice con un tono mas firme: Deja de jugar cerca de la mesa. Y ocurre lo que usted se temía.
Su hijo derrama la leche. Esta cae sobre el plato de su esposo y moja toda la mesa que usted muy cuidadosamente preparó para la cena familiar.

Llega el momento de actuar, usted le dice a su hijo: Estas en problemas.

Usted puede preguntarle a su hijo. ¿Por qué estas en problemas? Él probablemente le dirá: Por derramar la leche.

Ese es parte del problema pero no la acción que usted desea corregir.

Usted debe guiar a su hijo a reconocer que la razón por la cual derramó la leche fue la desobediencia.
Caso contrario su hijo mantendrá la idea que derramar la bebida sobre la mesa es el peor pecado que se puede cometer en su hogar y no verá la importancia de obedecer a sus padres en instrucciones de ese tipo.


Si el niño no reconoce la razón que llevó a esa consecuencia solamente es un castigo y no una corrección.

La corrección es una muestra de amor

La palabra de Dios es clara respecto a la corrección. Como hijos de Dios debemos entender que corregir a nuestros hijos es pensar en su futuro, es pensar en la clase de hombre o mujer en que se convertirán.
Una acción disciplinaria puede evitar años de dolor y sufrimiento a nuestros hijos en el futuro.

Converse con sus hijos para enseñarles la verdad. Diga NO cuando sea necesario, sin importar si sus hijos realmente quieren hacer o tener algo. Cumpla lo que previamente advirtió sería la consecuencia.
Sobre todo busque la dirección de Dios para amar, edificar y corregir a sus hijos.

Es verdad que ninguna disciplina al presente parece ser causa de gozo, sino de tristeza; pero después da fruto apacible de justicia a los que en ella han sido ejercitados.
Hebreos 12:11