His plans prevail

We hope this letter finds you well. We are grateful for your prayers and support. This year has been a little out of the ordinary, but God has moved in many unexpected ways. Last year, we were filled with hope and plans for the new year. We were thrilled with our new ministry center and all the potential it held to reach more people. Enter Coronavirus


All the sudden, we were locked in our house, extremely restricted and unable to do any of the things we had planned. But God was not taken by surprise. He didn’t see it as a limitation. Slowly he revealed his plans to us, and we shifted our focus. The ministry center was only up and running from January to mid-March. By May, we knew that there was no return in sight and began to ask God, “what now?” His response: “go to them.” So, we went back to our roots, and began delivering food to families in need. My hope to reach more people was fulfilled in a way I never expected. God heard every prayer and used these food bags to bring hope during a time of crisis. 

If nothing else, we learned this year that God’s plans prevail no matter what the circumstances. We didn’t expect to spend the majority of our year in our home, far from people. Our whole life is centered around being with people! But one very special thing we witnessed during these months, was getting to see other people rise up and reach those around them. The youth that Kevin had been working with for over 2 years started visiting their neighbors. We partnered with other ministries to get food to more people. Our English students reached out asking if they could take food bags to their communities. His Hands and Feet became a sending ministry, enabling others to go where we no longer could.


As I look ahead and begin to think about 2021, I feel hopeful. Honestly, I don’t know what to expect. God has preserved the ministry center over the last few months, and we are eager to be back in it. We are more than ready to teach classes again and begin ministering to these families. Our desire is to help them pick up the pieces that were broken this year. We all are looking for hope. We all need restoration. His Hands and Feet wants to bring that to San Lucas, Guatemala. 

 We are now reaching 5 different communities, and we will continue to go to them next year. We long to see the children’s faces again, to teach them about God’s word. We look forward to counseling and praying over moms and dads who are fighting for a brighter future. We approach 2021 with open hands and open hearts. Our eyes are on the Father as He leads. We will follow. 

If you are not already connected with us, please look us up on Instagram and Facebook. There you will find weekly updates and ways you can praying for us. As we approach 2021, we want to ask you to join our financial support team. You can make an end of year gift or you can sign up for monthly donations. Every amount given on a monthly basis, gives us a firm foundation to continue in ministry. 


All donations are tax deductible through our sending agency Go Send Me Global. It’s easy! Just click the button below.


Want to send a check? Send to:

GoSendMe Global
PO BOX 913106
Sherman, TX 75091

Include note: Kevin and Ashley Hernandez in Guatemala. 

Many blessings!

Kevin, Ashley, Isabella, Ian, and Olivia Hernandez