Fear not! God is good

He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also, he has put eternity into man's heart, yet so that he cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end. Ecc. 3:11

At the beginning of 2019, God put this verse before me. After 2 very difficult years, it felt like a promise; a new year had come, and finally a breath of fresh year. Three hundred and sixty-five days later, I am sitting here marveling at all He has done. However, today the end of the verse is really what sticks out to me. I look back and see so many ways that God has been faithful and that He has blessed me. Yet, I still do not understand why He allowed the 2 prior years to be so difficult. I am going into 2020, but I do not know what He is going to do. Although I long to understand everything in my life, God has limited my ability to do so. And I am so thankful. If I knew the suffering that awaited me, I wouldn’t move forward. If I knew the blessings that were coming, I wouldn’t stand in awe of the one who orchestrated them for me.

You see, our longing to know and to control everything in our life isn’t from God. That is why the Bible repeatedly tells us to “wait” and “fear not.” Yes, God will make everything beautiful in its time, but that means that there will be times when it isn’t all beautiful. There will be times when there is more pain than joy, more tears than smiles, more frustration than peace, even so there lays the promise. You won’t know, you won’t understand, but He does. His plan is in progress, and in due time you will see the beautiful. So, hold on! Fear not! God is good. He is fighting for you. Enter 2020 with an open heart and open hands. My life is out of my control, but I can rest peacefully knowing the one who is in control. 


He Makes all Things Beautiful

If you asked me 5 years ago where I thought we would be today, my answer would have been something small and “tangible.” I could have never imagined the depths of God’s plans for our life. I never imagined that God would allow His Hands and Feet to reach so many people and grow in so many ways. 

After years of getting to know the people in the local communities, we have seen that there is great need. It is not just a need for material items. Yes, many of them live in poverty, but the real pain in their eyes is due to the lack of hope. They long for and desperately need a Savior. His Hands and Feet believes that through the gospel message and proper education, hope can be restored. Families will be restored. The devastating cycle of poverty can be broken. For this reason, in 2019, we opened the His Hands and Feet Ministry Center: a place for spiritual growth and education. 


Does this mean we will no longer be going into these villages? Not at all! However, now we have a place where the people that we serve can come together to learn and grow in their faith. We want to come alongside them, equipping them with the necessary tools to better their future and impact their communities. 

Excited for 2020!

God has blessed us with abundance space. Starting in January, we will be making different courses and training programs available to help people grow spiritually and further their education. Some of these programs include: 

-       Full English Program 

-       Assistance for learning disabilities 

-       Counseling

-       Children’s Ministry Training

-       Bible Studies

-       Leadership Training

We need your help

We will continue with community outreach activities such as children’s ministry and youth groups. Our hearts desire is to stay connected in the villages and continue to share God’s love to them. 

Please join our vision and sign up to be a monthly partner. Every dollar amount advances the kingdom in one way or another! 

Just click on the Donate Button to partner with us.

Thank you so much for investing in the kingdom through His Hands and Feet. We pray that the Lord blesses you and that you feel His peace in your life.

Have a blessed Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas!!